Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fasting , Independent and Raya Day !

Today ,
It's been 3 days since fasting month start and i admit the 1st day i can hold myself but when it come to 2nd day , i was like OHMYGOD ! i cant anymore . i need my ciggy badly allrite so i just grab my ciggy and smoke it and i go "fuhhhh" , im so relief . bhahaha :D
i know i know im the satan of myself bc i cant hold my lust for not smoking thru the hold day .
another 27 days to go before RAYA and i cant wait for raya , eventho raya is not gonna be fun for me like the good old days but still raya is the most sad also happy day for me and that is the day its gonna remind me of someone that has left me forever and someone that bring me cheer !

Last year ,
He is here to acompany me thru this fasting month and raya but this year ? he is not here anymore , he gonna spend his fasting month and raya up there in heaven . its really sad for me bc i cant wish him Selamat Berpuasa , Selamat Bersahur , Selamat Berbuka and Selamat Hari Raya also im not gonna receive an answer from him when i ask for his forgiveness and go to our friends open house together anymore , its all because he is up there and i am down here . even im sad but still im hoping for him to be happy , safe , well and smiling up there . i know he is looking at me each and everyday of my life till the day im gonna meet him again , im so so hoping for that bc i miss him more then everyone think . i do do do miss u Ahmad Ridzuan :')

30th of August ,
The day of INDEPENDENT or MERDEKA date is on fasting month . that is so so so i mean sooo boring bc i cant celebrate it outside somewhere its all because 1st , the H1N1 or pig flu that had kills 50 people , so far that i heard . 2nd , bc its fasting month and im forsure mymom not gonna alowed me from leaving the house . 3rd , im aint got no money , im fucking broke now . 4th , is there gonna be a celebration this year bc as i heard the prime minister illegally banned firework show on merdeka so it was like no beautifull firework no more , so sadd !

21st of September ,
Its the day Raya gonna be so SELAMAT HARI RAYA , MAAF ZAHIR DAN BATIN :)


Call me, Eyka said...

yanaaa ade tag utk kau. pat pat lawat blog aku. then buat ok. heee

Yanaa Boston ;) said...

ok but yanaa translate in bi ae sygg :)

Cik Jah Glemer said...

yanaa.rindu la.
x dtg rumah aku.
sooo sad!